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Part 2 / Concepts / Project structure

On the right, in the file tree viewer, you'll see a handful of files that SvelteKit expects to find in a project.

package.json will be familiar if you've worked with Node.js before. It lists the project's dependencies — including svelte and @sveltejs/kit — and a variety of scripts for interacting with the SvelteKit CLI. (We're currently running npm run dev in the bottom window.)

Note that it also specifies "type": "module", which means that .js files are treated as native JavaScript modules by default, rather than the legacy CommonJS format.

svelte.config.js contains your project configuration. We don't need to worry about this file for now, but if you're curious, visit the documentation.

src is where your app's source code goes. src/app.html is your page template (SvelteKit replaces the %sveltekit.head% and %sveltekit.body% as appropriate), and src/routes defines the routes of your app.

Finally, static contains any assets (like a favicon.png or a robots.txt) that should be included when your app is deployed.

Next: Server and client

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